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Nutzen Sie bitte die Gelegenheit, arabisch-jüdische Solidarität in Israel/Palästina zu fördern!

Eine Initiative der jüdisch-arabischen Friedensorg
anisation Ta'ayush


Beteiligen Sie sich an der Mailingliste des Internationalen Komitees für Dar ElHanoun (ICDH)!

Dar ElHanoun ist ein arabisch-palästinensisches Dorf in Israel das sich derzeitig in einer
verzweifelten Situation befindet. Obwohl das Dorf mehr als 80 Jahre alt ist, weigern sich
die israelischen Behörden, es anzuerkennen. Erst jüngst haben sie ihre Absicht bekundet,
das gesamte Dorf zu zerstören und die Einwohner umzusiedeln. Ein Einwohner wurde in
dieser Woche mit einer Geldstrafe belegt, weil er sein eigenens Haus nicht zerstört hat.
Er wurde verpflichtet, dem Staat Israel umgerechnet 4.000 US-Dollar zu zahlen.

Damit diese Situation überwunden werden kann, braucht Dar ElHanoun dringend
internationale Solidarität - deshalb senden wir diesen Offenen Brief.

Wir sind jüdische und arabische Bürger Israels und Aktivisten von Taayush - einer
Organisation für arabisch-jüdische Partnerschaft. In den vergangenen 6 Jahren haben
wir eng mit den Einwohnern von Dar ElHanoun zusammen gearbeitet, um mit ihnen
die Lebensbedingungen im Dorf zu verbessern und wir haben uns an ihrem Kampf für
ihre Rechte beteiligt. Die Früchte unserer Anstrengungen werden nunmehr ernsthaft durch
die israelischen Behörden bedroht.

Um es Menschen außerhalb Israels zu ermöglichen, uns zu unterstützen und an unserer Kampagne
teilzunehmen, haben wir das Internationale Komitee für Dar ElHanoun gegründet.

Wir laden Sie ein, sich an der Mailingliste für Dar ElHanoun zu beteiligen,
und zwar unter:


Durch die Mailingliste bekommen Sie laufend Informationen
darüber, wie Sie einem alten arabischen Dorf in Israel in seinem Bemühen
(struggle) helfen können. Sie werden mehr erfahren über nicht-anerkannte
Dörfer in Israel.

Sie haben so die Gelegenheit, arabisch-jüdische Solidarität
in Israel/Palästina zu fördern.

Weiter unten finden Sie weitere Informationen über Dar ElHanoun und Taayush,
außerdem erfahren Sie, wie Sie unsere Kampagne mit Spenden und anderen
Beiträgen unterstützen können.

Haben Sie vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung,

Internationales Komitee für Dar ElHanoun (ICDH)



Join the mailing list of the International Committee for Dar ElHanoun (ICDH)

--- please post further ---

Dear Friends,

Dar ElHanoun is an Arab-Palestinian village within Israel that finds itself
right now in a desperate state. Although the village is more than 80 years old,
the Israeli authorities are refusing to recognize it, and have recently expressed
their intention to demolish the whole village and remove its residents.

One of the residents was fined this week for not destroying his own house.
He is required to pay the State of Israel an amount of $4,000.

In order to stop this situation, Dar ElHanoun urgently needs international
solidarity with its struggle, and this is why we are sending this open letter.

We are Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel, activists of Taayush - Arab-Jewish
Partnership. In the past 6 years we have been working closely with the residents
of Dar ElHanoun for improving the living conditions in the village and struggling
for their rights.
The fruits of our efforts are now seriously threatened by the Israeli authorities.
In order to allow people outside Israel to help us and take part in our campaign,
we have founded the International Committee for Dar ElHanoun (ICDH).

We invite you to join our mailing list for Dar ElHanoun at:


By joining the mailing list you will get current information about how you can
help an old Arab village in Israel in its struggle, learn more about the
unrecognized Arab villages in Israel, and promote Arab-Jewish solidarity
in Israel/Palestine.

Below please find more information about Dar ElHanoun and Taayush,
together with information about how to make donations or other
to our campaign.

Thank you very much for your help,

International Committee for Dar ElHanoun (ICDH)



For many years we have been involved in a group of peace activists in Israel,
Taayush - Arab-Jewish Partnership.

In Taayush we have constantly taken part in the struggle against the
grave discrimination by the Israeli authorities against the Arab-Palestinian
Israeli citizens who live in "unrecognized" villages.
We think that the international community should become more aware of the
disgraceful situation of these villages. Tens of thousands of Arab citizens
of Israel live in such villages, without having access to basic facilities,
including electricity, telephone, transportation, health or education systems.

One of those villages is Dar ElHanoun, an old Arab
village in Wadi Ara, in the
heart of the State of Israel.

Dar ElHanoun dates back to the 1920s and its residents are Israeli citizens
who legally own their lands. However, Dar ElHanoun is not recognized by the
State of Israel. As a result, the village has no paved road leading to it, no
electricity and telephone connection, no health, education or post services.
Against most of the houses of the village there are demolition orders pending.
The residents of the village are constantly persecuted by demolition orders,
police inspections, administrative and legal annoyances and heavy fines.
The Israeli authorities are now openly calling for the eviction of Dar ElHanoun
and the demolition of its houses.


After years of struggling with the residents of the village, and a constant
failure of the Israeli government to recognize the mere existence of Dar
ElHanoun, we have decided to launch an international campaign.

On 5 May 2007 we held a demo near Dar ElHanoun (see link below).
Following the demo, and as a first step in the international campaign, we are
inaugurating the International Committee for Dar ElHanoun (ICDH - see
link below).

At this stage you would help us enormously if you could subscribe to
our mailing list at the link (see above in this
By subscribing to the mailing list you will get up-to-date information
about the situation in Dar ElHanoun, and on what you could do to help us.
Joining the list is simple and quick.

Your email address and your details will be kept confidential.
Traffic is expected to be reasonably low, and you can unsubscribe from
the list at any time if you so choose.

Please visit our website (link below) and join our mailing list.

What else can you do to help?

1. Let your friends know about Dar ElHanoun and the unrecognized Arab
villages in Israel:
* Send this email, or a another message with a link to our site, in a
wide distribution.
* Add a link to our website in relevant
* Distribute copies of the leaflet that you'll find in our web site.
See the link above.

2. Send a donation to Taayush for helping the legal and public campaign of
Dar ElHanoun.
Checks drawn to "Taayush-North" can be sent to:
POB 45896, Haifa, Israel
Please mention "Dar ElHanoun" in a cover letter.
Notify our moderator (see address below) about your donation, or for
further questions about tax-free donations.

3. Send a protest letter to the Israeli Ministry of the Interior, with a copy to
your nearby Israeli embassy or consulate. You can find an
example for such a
letter in our site.
Fax: +972-2-5666376
Address for sending letters:
Mr. R. Bar-On
Minister of the Interior
Kaplan St. 2


For more details - see our webpage (link above).

Thank you so much for your help,

Committee for Dar ElHanoun (ICDH)




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