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Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020 - 16:52

Palästinensischer Hungerstreikender ist ins Koma gefallen - Der palästinensische Häftling Mohammed Allan hat nach etwa zwei Monaten im Hungerstreik das Bewusstsein verloren. >>>


Hungerstreikender Palästinenser in akuter Lebensgefahr -  Sicherheitskräfte in Israel und dem Westjordanland haben sich am Wochenende für massive Gewaltausbrüche gewappnet, falls ein hungerstreikender Palästinenser im Gefängnis sterben sollte. Der 31-jährige Mohammed Allan, der am Freitag das Bewußtsein verlor, wurde "stabilisiert, schwebt aber weiter in Lebensgefahr", erklärte der Direktor >>>


Amnesty International hat eine Eilaktion (Urgent Action) zum Fall des Rechtsanwalts Mohammed Allan herausgegeben, der seit November 2014 in Administrativhaft sitzt, d.h. Inhaftierung ohne Anklage und fairen Prozess. Er hat am 16. Juni einen Hungerstreik begonnen, um dagegen zu protestieren und wird jetzt nach Inkrafttreten eines neuen Gesetzes zwangsernährt. Dass es bei der Zwangsernährung nicht um die Gesundheit des Häftlings läßt sich aus folgender Aussage des israelischen Ministers für öffentliche Sicherheit Gilad Erdan ersehen: "Sicherheitsgefangene sind daran interessiert einen Hungerstreik in eine neue Art von Selbstmord-Terrorattacke zu verwandeln, womit sie den Staat Israel bedrohen. Wir werden es niemandem erlauben, uns zu bedrohen und wir werden es nicht zulassen, dass Gefangene in unseren Gefängnissen sterben" ( https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/2282/2015/en/   s.Anhang)

Laut der Menschenrechtsorganisation B'Tselem waren Ende Juni 370 Gefangene in Administrativhaft und laut der palästinensischen Organisation Addameer sind momentan 7 Häftlinge im Hungerstreik.

Im Anhang ist der Fall ausführlich dargestellt. Dort sind auch die (Mail-)Adressen der Minister, die angeschrieben werden sollen.

Weitere Infos auch unter: http://samidoun.net/2015/08/amnesty-international-urgent-action-to-release-muhammad-allan/  - Grüße Claus Walischewski

Hier mein Brief als Beispiel an die verschiedenen Minister

Dear Sir,
Through Amnesty Intzernbational I heard of the case of lawyer Mohammed Allan, who has been in administrative detention since November and who staretd a hunger strike on June 16.
International humanitarian law like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Israel has signed, forbid imprisonment without trial as well as force-feeding. That is why I call on you

to end the use of administrative detention and release Mohammed Allan and all other administrative detainees unless they are promptly charged with an internationally recognizable criminal offence and brought to trial in proceedings which meet international standards;
to stop the force-feeding unless a decision on non-consensual feeding is made by qualified health professionals and only for reasons of medical necessity; the authorities must never require health professionals to act in any way contrary to their professional judgment or medical ethics, which essentially preclude compulsory feeding of mentally competent hunger strikers.  Yours sincerely,


Mohammed Allaan’s Blood Is on Our Hands - A state in whose prisons hundreds of people are confined without trial is not a democracy, and all the excuses about 'security' will not help. - Gideon Levy

Mohammed Allaan’s blood is on our hands, on the hands of the State of Israel. The state will bear full and sole responsibility for his death if, perish the thought, he dies. No excuses will cover the shame, no propaganda will atone for the offense. While these lines are being written, Saturday afternoon, he tottered between life and death, in an induced coma and on a respirator. The death of this 31-year-old lawyer from the village of Einabus is liable to not only cause “damage to Israel’s image” and lead to a conflagration in the West Bank and Gaza – first and foremost, Allaan is the victim of one of the basest acts of the Israeli occupation: administrative detention. That, they do not see here.

Allaan is a freedom fighter. There is no one who suits this definition more, no other way to describe him. Allaan is striking until death for his freedom, to which he is entitled according to any constitutional, democratic or moral criterion. Even if thugs of Ashkelon and its violent nationalists scream until the end of time “terrorist,” and even if inciting television reports talk about “blood on the hands,” Allaan will remain a freedom fighter, innocent.

As we recall, he was never indicted nor tried. The security establishment has not a shred of evidence against him or against hundreds of his friends, not even evidence that could lead a military court astray – which is the easiest thing to do in a system that has no connection whatsoever with justice.

Not by chance were almost all the longtime hunger-strikers administrative detainees. They did not fight against the settlements or against the occupation. They fought for their personal liberty, which is their absolute right. They are not prisoners, they are detainees of arbitrariness. Their administrative detention has become a terrifying normality, obvious, like a checkpoint, senseless killing and nighttime abductions. Over the past 15 years the number of such detainees has ranged from 150 to 1,000 at any given moment. Even in the most promising of quiet times their number does not decline. Right now there are about 400. In other words, there are hundreds of people being held without trial in Israeli prisons.

If there is a reason to turn to the International Criminal Court – that is the reason, perhaps even before the killing, expulsions and the settlements. If there is evidence that can put the lie to “the only democracy in the Middle East” – that is the clear evidence. A state in whose prisons hundreds of people are confined without trial is not a democracy, and all the excuses about “security” will not help. There is not, never has been and never will be such a thing – a democracy with mass arrests without trial.

Allaan knows all this. He and his friends have called upon their private, non-violent, doomsday weapon – the hunger strike, because justice is on their side. Because there is no other justice that can excuse their detention, except the justice of the Ashkelon thugs and their ilk: freedom or death, and Israel should have bowed its head in admiration for their determination, their justness and their courage.

Allaan is dying, and with him, Israel’s pretense of democracy. Israel fears the damage it will incur. Most of its legal experts are silent and most of its journalists cover for it. Israel should not have arrested Allaan last November and sent him to six months’ detention without trial. Israel should not have subsequently extended his detention by another six months. It should not have done this to tens of thousands of people over the years. It should not have acted this way. But it is not too late. The debate now should not be dealing with ways to extend Allaan’s live. The only way to save him is to release him immediately, unconditionally, and with him the hundreds of other administrative detainees. That will be not only the great victory of these freedom fighters, it will also be Israel’s victory.

Kein Frieden in Palästina - Israelische Soldaten feuern auf Gedenkveranstaltung im Westjordanland. Wiederholte Attacken von rechten Siedlern. Fünf Tote durch Explosion in Gaza - Karin Leukefeld -

Die Lage im von Israel besetzten Westjordanland bleibt nach den jüngsten Attacken rechter jüdischer Siedler angespannt. Am Freitag feuerten israelische Soldaten auf die Teilnehmer einer Gedenkveranstaltung in Susija südlich von Hebron. Berichte über Verletzte gab es jedoch nicht. Wie ein Sprecher des Volkswiderstandskomitees des von der Zerstörung bedrohten Beduinendorfes der palästinensischen Nachrichtenagentur Maan News berichtete, hätten die Trauernden zur Erinnerung an ein Ende Juli bei einem Brandanschlag von Siedlern getötetes Kleinkind Drachen über einer nahegelegenen illegalen israelischen Siedlung aufsteigen lassen. Von seiten der israelischen Armee gab es keine Stellungnahme.

Nach der Attacke auf das Haus der Familie Dawabsha war auch der Vater des 18 Monate alten Jungen seinen schweren Brandverletzungen erlegen. Der israelische Geheimdienst Schin Bet hatte zwar einige verdächtige Siedler verhört, diese aber am Montag vergangener Woche wieder freigelassen. Kurz darauf versuchten jugendliche Siedler in der Nacht zum Dienstag, den Park des Dorfes Karjut im nördlichen Westjordanland in Brand zu setzen. In der Nacht zum Donnerstag ging dann – ebenfalls im Westjordanland – ein von Beduinen genutztes Lagerhaus in Flammen auf. Wie die Gruppe »Rabbiner für Menschenrechte« berichtete, hatten die Täter neben dem Gebäude einen Davidstern und das Wort »Administrativ-Rache« auf einen Felsen gesprüht. Damit sollte offenbar gegen die Administrativhaft protestiert werden, die kurz zuvor erstmals gegen drei rechtsextreme jüdische Siedler verhängt worden war. Die Männer stehen im Verdacht, palästinensische Häuser und ein christliches Kloster in Brand gesetzt zu haben. >>>

Hass, Neid, Wahn - die Mär vom Antiamerikanismus - Rezension von Dr. Ludwig Watzal - "Antiamerikanismus" ist eigentlich kaschierter "Antisemitismus", so könnte man in nuce das ideologische Pamphlet von Tobias Jäcker in einem Satz zusammenfassen. Bevor man zu diesem Urteil kommt, muss man sich durch einen Wust von vermeintlichen "Antiamerikanismen" hindurch wühlen, die er Autor als Jäger und Sammler zusammengetragen hat. (...)

Dieser Antiamerikanismus sei nicht nur "nationalistisch" grundiert, sondern darüber hinaus auch mit dem "Antisemitismus" verknüpft. Jäcker, der als Rundfunkredakteur bei "radioeins (rbb)" beschäftigt ist, gehört zu einem Netzwerk von ideologisch grundierten pro-Amerikanern und pro-Zionisten, die sich in Wissenschaft, Politik und Medien tummeln, und deren Ziel es ist, die verbrecherische Politik der "Schurkenstaaten" USA und Israel mit allen Mitteln zu verteidigen und zu rechtfertigen, wozu auch die Denunziation Andersdenkender gehört.

Ein Blick auf das Literaturverzeichnis und die Fußnoten genügt, um zu sehen, wessen Geistes Kind Jäcker ist. Dort findet sich u. a. auch der "Hohe Priester" dieser absurden These von "Antisemitismus und Antiamerikanismus", Andrei S. Markovits, dem der Autor ausdrücklich dankt, und der durch sein Pamphlet "Amerika, dich hast sich's besser" auch in Deutschland in gewissen Medien zu einer fragwürdigen Berühmtheit gelangt ist. Als Autor taucht Markovits auch in einem von Lars Rensmann und Julius H. Schoeps herausgegebenen Buches auf.

Rensmann, dem der Ruf eines mehr als fragwürdigen "Wissenschaftlers" vorauseilt, fungierte als Zweitgutachter des Jäcker-Buches, was niemanden überraschen sollte, dementsprechend ideologisch und einseitig ist das Buch auch ausgefallen. Rensmann und sein
"ideologischer Förderer" Hajo Funke. Hajo Funke fungieren auch als Herausgeber der Reihe "Politische Theorie und Kultur" im LIT Verlag, in der bereits Jäckers ideologisches Bändchen "Antisemitische Verschwörungstheorien nach dem 11. September" erschienen ist.  >>>

Erste Masterarbeit für die Grünhelme - Moritz Gropp und Rabiè Gebryl widmen ihre Abschlussarbeit unserem Bauvorhaben in Palästina - Till Gröner - Zum allerersten Mal ist uns Grünhelmen die geballte wissenschaftliche Kraft einer akademischen Abschlussarbeit gewidmet worden. Die Architekturstudenten der Berliner Beuth-Hochschule, Moritz Gropp und Rabiè Gebryl, haben im Zuge ihrer Masterarbeit einen Entwurf für die Palästinensische Begegnungsstätte von Familie Nasser, dem „Tent of Nations“, erarbeitet. Dort, in der schwierigen „Zone C“ des zerschnittenen Westjordanlandes, wird Familie Nasser schon viele Jahre vom Landraub durch Israelische Siedler bedroht. >>>

Israeli authorities confiscate land adjacent to Al-Aqsa Mosque -  The Israeli authorities on Sunday morning confiscated a tract of land adjacent to the eastern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque near the Golden gate, Palestinian sources told Ma'an.

Jawad Siyam, the director of Wadi Hilweh Information Center in occupied Easy Jerusalem, told Ma’an that Jerusalem inspectors from the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority stormed and confiscated land belonging to the al-Husseini and the al-Ansari families.

The nature authority inspectors were escorted byIsraeli troops during the confiscation, Siyam said. Siyam added that security guards from a private security company installed barbed wire fence around the land.

The Palestinian Authority’s governor of Jerusalem and Minister of Jerusalem Affairs Adnan al-Husseini also told Ma'an that the Israeli forces and inspectors stormed the land without prior notice. He highlighted that the tract of land measures more than 7000 square meters (1.7 acres).

A lawyer representing the Palestinian owners is taking the case to the Israeli court in an attempt to stop the confiscation, the minister added. One of the owners of the land from the al-Husseini familytold Ma'an that he believes the Israelis plan to confiscate the land for settlement expansion. >>>

Administrative detention being used to push controversial 'terror law' - A new bill that paves the way for putting Israeli citizens in administrative detention could one day affect activists, human rights workers, and Palestinian citizens of Israel. - Sawsan Khalife’

A week after the Shin Bet recommended that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon sign off on administrative detention for two Jewish Israelis following the attack in the Palestinian village of Duma, he also recommended the Knesset pass an “anti-terrorism bill.”

The bill, which has been sitting on the shelf of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, authorizes the defense minister to use administrative detention without the standard prerequisite of declaring a “state of emergency” (which has been in place, essentially, since Israel’s founding). The law refers specifically to the administrative detention of Israeli civilians, since Palestinians in the occupied territories already live under a military regime. >>>

Major concerns in Israel over EU boycott . - The Israeli banking sector is deeply concerned following an EU consultative committee recommended a boycott of banks involved in settlement policies, local media reported yesterday. Israeli newspaper Maariv reported an Israel official in the banking sector saying: "There are major concerns in the Israeli banking sector after news that the EU might adopt recommendations to boycott Israeli banks involved in settlement activities and grant housing loans to buy homes in settlements."

The official warned that this would cause a serious problem as all Israeli banks are linked to settlements. "This is not a boycott of certain goods here or there, but a boycott of the entire banking sector which is largely and directly connected to the EU." According the official, the Israeli authorities have to recognise what an EU boycott means for Israeli banks. >>>

The IDF's new tool for tracking Palestinian protesters: Drones -  Haggai Matar - What has four propellors and a camera?

Participants in the weekly protests against the separation wall in the West Bank village of Bil’in were surprised Friday to find that the army was using a new tool to put down the demonstrations. For the first time, a small drone equipped with four propellors and a camera hovered above the protesters as they marched toward the wall and chanted slogans.

I asked the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit what the purpose of the drone was; I have yet to receive a response. The camera can be used for a number of purposes, although in light of past experience, it is likely to be used to assist soldiers in dispersing demonstrations or photographing protesters for arrests or to use in future trials. Bil’in photojournalist Haitham Khatib managed to snap a photo of the drone as it hovered above the protesters on Friday:

Photos taken at the demonstrations help the army arrest and interrogate protesters, especially young ones, are often used to incriminate protest organizers.

In April 2014, the army revealed yet another weapon for suppressing demonstration: a remote-controlled water canon that was installed atop the separation wall in Bethlehem, which allows the tracking and dispersal of protesters without the presence of soldiers. >>>

 VIDEO - Henry Siegman, Leading U.S. Jewish Voice for Peace: "Give Up on Netanyahu, Go to the United Nations"
Jewish and Palestinian women are holding a hunger strike outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem to call for a renewal of peace negotiations. Members of the group Women Wage Peace have been fasting for the past month in alternating shifts, sitting in an open-air tent and inviting passersby to discuss how best to wage peace. The group has dubbed their mission "Operation Protective Fast," a twist on "Operation Protective Edge" >>>

Netanyahu Names Danny Danon as Israel’s UN Ambassador - Richard Silverstein  - Israel has had a remarkably “varied” string of UN ambassadors. Some were distinguished statesmen like Abba Eban, Gideon Rafael and Yosef Tekoah. Others like Ron Prosor were affable hatchet men doing their country’s biding in the world’s most august body. Dore Gold was a hatchet man with no affable qualities whatsoever. With the impending appointment of Danny Danon to this post, Israel has reached a remarkable milestone: it has named one of its most racist, thuggish and corrupt rising young politicians to represent it before the world body in New York. Aside from these virtues, Danon was fired from his last ministerial post (as deputy defense minister) when he criticized his boss, the prime minister, for not killing more Gazans during Operation Protective Edge.

Danon also challenged Netanyahu for the Likud party leadership post during the last set of primaries. He has, like several other far-right politicians (Avigdor Lieberman, Gideon Saar), his sites set on the premiership. Netanyahu, being the eminent political survivalist he is, knew the surest way to defang his young nemesis was to ship him off to New York. >>>


Netanyahu Appoints Right-Wing Politician as Israeli Ambassador to U.N. -  Jodi Rudoren -  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Friday named a hawkish political rival who opposes a Palestinian state as his next ambassador to the United Nations. The naming of Danny Danon as the new ambassador is the latest in a string of appointments by Mr. Netanyahu that indicate he will not bow to mounting international criticism and efforts to isolate Israel. >>>



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The IDF's new tool for tracking Palestinian protesters: Drones

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The Israeli banking sector is deeply concerned following an EU consultative committee recommended a boycott of banks involved in settlement policies, local media reported yesterday.

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 Demand Freedom For Dying Hunger Striker Muhammed Allan

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